Welcome to My Fully-Armed and Operational Battle-blog

Welcome to My Fully-Armed and Operational Battle-blog

Posted 2024-08-01

Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational... battle-blog.

Hoo-boy, it's certainly been a minute.

In the last post I wrote, I mentioned that I'd moved house and what a clusterfuck that was. In my usual fashion, I say I'll write more and ultimately never do. I'm nothing if not consistent in my not-blogging. That isn't to say I haven't tried, as I did have a couple of drafts saved up that I'd written on the commutes to work, but never published them because the system I was using isn't very mobile friendly.

Which brings me to this post, from my new and improved blog framework.

Back when I dropped WordPress in favour of Grav, it was only supposed to be temporary -- until I could get around to writing my own blog framework solution.

Enter whatever this is, written in NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and hosted on GitHub Pages. It's still backed by a Markdown format processor, so the content remains system agnostic. If you're interested in starting one up yourself, I've put up a barebones version up on a GitHub Repository which is set up as a public template.

It's taken me roughly a week-and-a-half to get it to where it is now, to a point where I'm happy enough with it to change up where the domain is pointing to. As time goes on, I'll continue adding features and things I want in a blogging system, but for now it'll (hopefully) allow me to blog more.

Anyway, that's it. That's the post.